Shopify is rolling out a lot of changes to the way stores work. One of these changes affects how apps like Bulk Discounts Now integrate with your store's theme.
We've pushed an update to our code to ensure BDN keeps working smoothly with Shopify's new requirements, but there's one final step to this update which requires turning on a setting in your store's theme. Unfortunately, it's simply impossible for us to automate this step - it needs to be done manually by the store owner or administrator.
You must enable the app embed settings for Bulk Discounts Now (Step 1) in order for your store to continue functioning properly.
We've included instructions below to show you how to complete this final step. It's easy to do and shouldn't take more than 1-2 minutes.
Step 2 and Step 3 are not required, but we recommend doing them anyway just to make sure there's no chance anything can interfere with your updated BDN integration. These steps are also simple and quick to do.
If videos are more your thing, scroll to the bottom of this article for a quick walkthrough.
Step 1. First, ensure the app embed settings for “BDN - Helpers” and “BDN - cart.settings” are enabled. [REQUIRED]
- Open your store admin
- On the left side of the screen, under "Sales channels", click on "Online Store", then click on "Themes" below that
- On the themes page, click on "Customize" to open up your theme customizer
- On the far left, you'll see the theme's title at the top and then 3 icons below it - click on the third icon to open app embeds
- In the search bar right beside the icons, type the word bulk and press ENTER
- You should see 2 embeds pop up, one called "BDN - cart.settings" and "BDN - Helpers" - make sure both embeds are toggled on (meaning the toggle button is on the right side of the toggle slider)
- Click "Save" at the top right of the screen
Step 2. Next, remove the old line of code in your main theme file that helped ensure BDN always worked and looked right before Shopify's most recent update. [Optional]
- At the top of the screen, click on the 3 dots just to the right of the theme's title and select "</> Edit code" to go to your code editor window
- On the left side of the screen under "Layout", click on "</> theme.liquid" to open up the theme.liquid file
- Click anywhere in the file to activate the cursor, then hit CTRL-F (Windows) or CMD-F (Mac) to open the search bar and enter the following line:
{% render 'quantity-breaks-now', customer: customer, template: template, product: product, cart: cart %} - Click on "Next" or press ENTER to find the line of code
- Select the entire line of code and press BACK or DELETE to remove it
- Click "Save" at the top right of the screen
Step 3. Finally, remove the old BDN integration files from your theme. [Optional]
- On the left side of the screen, click on the search bar and type quantity-breaks-now
- Remove every file you see under the search bar that starts with "</> quantity-breaks-now" by repeating the following steps for each file:
- Click on the file name
- Click on the trashcan which appears to the right of the file name
- Click "Delete file" to confirm